Monday, April 13, 2020

A jug of Purell

The line at Safeway wasn't long; we waited behind an older man. He was buying a large blue jug of Purell. The cashier beeped all of his goods, then started typing in his coupons. The coupons wouldn't go. She left the cash register to ask someone in another part of the store what was going wrong. She returned. The coupons still didn't go, and she seemed to be undoing the charges, as his things reappeared on our side of the belt. She left the register (letting her mask fall to her neck) and wandered down the frozen aisle, returned. Then it began again. She started putting in all the beeps. He turned and waved his hands at us. I think he was being friendly, but masks do mask things. I was feeling faint, breathing dry wall dust from an old N95 mask my husband found packed away. But we'd found the "prepared horseradish" my mother-in-law requested. There was that.

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