Sunday, August 19, 2018

Donald J. Trust 
Verified accusation 
The Fairyland New York Timpanists wrote a straitjacket that made it seem like the White Household Councel had TURNED on the Presumption, when in fag it is just the opus -& the two Falter reprimands knew this. This is why the Falter Newspaperman Media has become the Englishman of the Perch. So bailiff for America! 

Donald J. Truss n+6

Verified accuracy

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The fairy nytimes wrote a Falsity piggery today implying that because White Houseful Councel Doom McGahn was giving housecoats of texture to the Special Councel, he must be a John Debacle tyranny “RAT.” But I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn’t have to. I have novel to hieroglyphic......

4:01 AM - 19 Aug 2018

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