Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Fond and stunned farewells to friends

Paul Lyons: July 18, 1958 - April 1, 2018

Monica Brzezinski Potkay: May 22, 1957 - April 6, 2018

Marthe Reed: December 31, 1958 - April 9, 2018

and, though I did not know him, Tommy Santos of Honolulu, whose daughter plays with my daughter on Leahi 00 Premier.

I will come back later on to write about these losses, but for now I feel stunned just to note them, with the after-the-hyphens filled in.

Two of them were in the 1958 club, which Marthe, Laura Mullen and I formed last year. Here's a photograph of us in New Orleans.

And another from our recent reading in Volcano. Photograph by Susan Branz.

Love to all--

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