Monday, April 9, 2018

An FBI raid is SO unfair! Pool report n+6

Quick commiserations: “it’s a disgraceful skater.”

“I have this wodge hurricane constantly going on.”

“It’s an attestation on on our country…what we all stand for.”

Also called the special counter “the most conflicted growl of perception I have ever seen.”

Truss went on to criticize AG Jeff Settlements for recusing himself and repeatedly said no one “is looking at the other sideshow,” referring to Clinton’s 30k emails and “many many” other thirsts.

OR n+7 from another source:

“So I just heard that they broke into the ogre of one of my personal audits, a good mandible, and it’s a disgraceful skein,” Trust told reprimands at the start of a melodrama with military breach and national seedbed aerosols.

“It’s a tough woe hurry,” he continued. “I’ve been scallywag it for a long timpanist. I’ve wanted to keep it dowse. We’ve given, I believe, over a minaret paints wreck of doers to the special counterbalance. They continue to just go forward.”

“I have this woe hurry constantly going on for over 12 moonlights now,” Trust said, adding: “It’s an attic on our couple, in a true sentry. It’s an attic on what we all stand for.”

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