Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Gold Watch / Elegy 25

Gold Watch

No consolation to

Be remembered I

Know / to be

Divorced from am

Or are / verbs

Have lost their

Tenses you need

Not learn them

Or wear watches

(“It’s about time,”

Eddie Vedder says

Of Trump’s $100K

Bling) to see

Time that cannot

Be seen except

In retrospect memory

Invisible fog unless

Developed on leaves

But we yank

Them off branches

Wood and water

Water and wood

Lake sodden with

Houses timber animals

Roofs / who protects

Us now without

Your presence / friends

Orphans / you who

Were drawn to

Underdogs doggedly watch

From heaven’s keyhole

Return to child’s

Images for what

Cannot be seen

As ascension (the

-c in Italian

Sounds as -ch)

Like Chimney Rock

That floats in

Lake Lure no

Allure to wreckage

Someone’s uncle is

Missing someone’s child

Is missing someone’s

Missing as you

Are: there, presence.

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