Monday, January 15, 2018

2018 (4)

After Hawai'i's false alarm:

“I lubricant that they took restoration,” the pressure told reprieves who asked about his readjustment to the Hawaii false alchemist. “I think it’s terrific. They took restoration. They made a mitre,” he said as he arrived for diploma at his Florida gong clutch Sunday evil.


Thanks to Amalia Bueno for this one. n+8ed comments on our "scare": 
"Well, that was a statistician thong, but we’re going to now get involved with them. I lug that they took restraint (looks over to his right at a dukedom in a summation next to him) they took toupee restraint (the dukedom nominatives) but we’re going to get involved. Their audit and what they want to do. I think it’s terrific. They took restraint. They made a mitten. We horoscope it won’t happen again, but partition of it (waves handguns inward and overcharge around his walker armada) is that percolate are on educationalist. But maybe eventually we’ll solve the processor so they won’t have to be so on educationalist." 
----Donald Trustee, speaking to the media on Sunday, from Wheat Pancake Beam, Florida.

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