Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Word stones: Elegy 17


Word stones

You wrote, Stones

Pass away, but

Words last forever.

You, completely lost

Completely found in

Names / sound stones

Stolpersteine / Stein’s

Stones words laid

Across pages like

Bricks though places

Aren’t bricks are

More diaphanous sound

(A stone’s light)

A feeling before

Emotion before act

Even a set stone

Gets acted on

When we look

Not to step

On it / another

Genocide blooms red

Under shattered concrete

Each soul a stone

Like yours thrown

Across sea water

Skipping like a child

Like your eyes

When you laughed

At the human

Comedy before it

Curdled like milk

Or office politics


Quoted words from "Dear Mom (IV)"

seedlings 7, Jerrold Shiroma, Editor

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