Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sina's Garden: Elegy 16

Sina’s garden

You imagined your

Reborn mother at 2

Making mud pies

The love of eyes

That imagined her

Not in the life she

Lived with you

Fresh starts always

Include mud pies

And bloody knees

An early unawareness

Of our being

Before the mysteries

Start / you were

Sheltered by dakinis

Until the end

Did they go

On strike or leave

On holy vacations

Vacate meaning to

Empty out like

Tourists on their own

Time / though emptiness

Isn’t quite it

Except as spirit-

Mulch / tendrils

Of new growth

Peeping out / a child’s

Eye glistening curious

As a dahlia

Blossom and you

Tending your mother’s

Garden / reborn in

A place I don’t

See on any map

Though my heart’s GPS

Sends occasional pings

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