Sunday, March 5, 2023

"Lilith is one stah"

Lilith and I ran into two women walking. They used to be three. One wanted to know how I'd given Lilith her name (she knows about _Frasier_). I said she came with it, and it fit. She gives her Humane Society animals new names. Two neighbors came up with their dog. One addressed us as "young ladies." When I muttered, he said "young women." I told him he could call me old. Ish. One of the women said her grandmother is 96 and still climbs ladders. "Young at heart." All the young people went one way, and Lilith and her older woman continued on to the cemetery. (That sounds more ominous than intended.)
At the cemetery we ran into Uncle John. I told him Lilith and I had given a reading and included the piece in which I yelled at him. We agreed it's best to keep talking. On the way back, he had a big plate of white rice. "Where you get your plate lunch?" I asked. "McDonald's! It's da bes'."

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