Thursday, March 26, 2020

26 March 2020

26 March 2020

“A nucleic acid molecule, in a protein coat.”
Nuclear medicine in a leaden cloak.
Nuclear family, crammed in one townhouse.
The deck needs a coat of paint.

All hands on! Called to be handy-
people, we put on latex gloves,
Our hands each wear a narrow coat.
Hand-masks against the viral load.

Load us up with medical supplies.
The lodestar of this pandemic is paper.
Products lost in bulk at the very back
Of closets filled long ago with goods.

In the morality plays, Goods wears
A capital coat, rides in a wagon across
The plain to stage a lock-down.
In the capitol. Quarantine’s

An inventory; it finds us home
And bids us count, as if numbers could
Shed their coats, walk naked
Through the supermarket at elder hour.

Today, we isolate from ourselves,
Each to a room, a computer, a remnant
Wind outside, promising us,
But not delivering weather shifts.

A shift in key. A shift key on the board.
A shift beneath a dress. The dr.’s dress
Resembles curtains, cinched by a belt,
Another performance set to begin.

The performance starts with the clown.
He wears a long and narrow tie, gazes through
White circles surrounded by Tangy skin.
Declares us soon free to move about--

Do our jobs, circulate with friends,
Infect the globe with our optimism.
There’s a drug coming, he knows it.
What it does, he doesn’t care.

The confidence man charms us;
He puts us under; he pulls the sheets up
And over our eyes. Somewhere, someone
Is building new morgues to handle

The over-flow of bodies.
We vow to give them to the charity
Of the Fortune-500, for hallowed
Be thy name. Kingdom come.

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