Saturday, December 15, 2018

[Buddha] Dharma and Sangha

#10 on Radhika's soccer team is named Dharma, which means "teachings" in Buddhism. Intrigued, I asked another parent about the name. "There's a story there," she said, "nothing to do with Buddhism, but I can't remember." After one game that Sangha attended, I (with foolish happiness) introduced Dharma to Sangha ("community" in Buddhism). They did nothing more than look at me funny. So yesterday, I spotted Dharma's dad sitting near the end of the field and asked him about her name. "It's from church," he said. "What church is that?" I asked. "We're Buddhists; Dharma means the teachings," he said. Ah, said I: "Dharma gates are boundless, I vow to enter them."

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